Friday, September 16, 2016

Jenny's Final Attack on Bette

Taking the lesson, when it comes by, is worth the engagement.  Some good will come from it, however slight.  
 If a person  said  something about you that was untrue, would you clear it up and make yourself invisible?  That way, everyone would know you were innocent
 But time passes and the conflict becomes larger than life.  Healing your heart from an  attack is awful.
  Do you move out of town?  Do you face it down so that the clouded thoughts clear and you see once again, your true heart's nature?

"I can see that I make everybody uncomfortable."

 Jenny knew she made people uncomfortable and she didn't feel like she fit in.  She was wicked, but maybe the writers decided she still possessed some inner wisdom combined with twisted half truths.  
 Jenny, the character, reacted to life in a very personal way.  Who does life to perfection anyway?  Mia Kushner did a fabulous job convincing us that this character actually lived and breathed. 
There was an enormous  amount of real, true, seething audience animosity for this character.  To the degree that someone could despise that character's flawed traits, this exposes one's separation from that which they may see in themselves.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Who Killed Jenny Schecter?

The L Word has long been gone from our view, yet so many questions remain unanswered.  Therefore, there's a yearning in some hearts; some satisfaction yet to be revealed.  The creator, Ilene Chaiken has moved on to other extremely satisfying projects, so this author feels that it would do no harm to speculate the solution to this mystery:  Who killed Jenny?   

 Before the party, Jenny joked{?} to Shane that she was leaving everything to her .
She found Tina, when she searched for Bette and her to watch the video she made.  Tina was talking to Shane about the discovered film. 
 When Jenny saw and surmised the outcome, she panicked and fell off the landing, head first into the "deep end" as Shane feared, her foreshadowing coming to fruition.